Saturday, January 10, 2009

A perfect 18

Date: Jan 10 Sat
Weather: 47F, wet and drizzly
Mileage: 15 (Crosscheck) + 3 (Monocog)
January mileage: 144
Year to date: 144

No, it wasn't epic nor was it the most amazing scenery or enlightened moment. It was just a perfect way to spend an hour on a Saturday afternoon, one which was extended with a more perfect 3ish miles with a dear one. After a morning of ball games (1 win w/ 'L' playing really well, 1 loss with 'Z' dazed during the first game with older kids), I escaped during a brief window to ride for exactly an hour. I needed to be back to go to 'Z's' futbol game, with shower time to spare. It had rained all night and morning so I took the grungy Crosscheck and rode for exactly an hour, give or take a few minutes, in and around Cherokee and Seneca. Again, nothing special, but all of it at a nice tempo. I took it easy on the hills with the episode from Thursday still in my mind, but it was just great.

When I got home 'L' was ready for a quick spin too, and this after his energetic bball game. Last weekend we had dropped off his borrowed geared kiddie Trek (from neighbor friend) b/c frankly the brake levers sucked. Chris at C'ville found some at a very nice price and they installed them. I know, I'm the only person in the cycling blogosphere who would lower him/herself to not do this work myself. We picked up the bike today during the window and 'L' wanted to try out the new levers, which were a big hit. Although he'll need a new bike come late summer (if he keeps growing), it's pleasing to take a chilled-out ride with a great kid.

Have I mentioned that it was a great 18 miles? Hope everyone else out there had a "great" experience too. Peace.

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